sweego product updates

Product Updates July 24

New features and options are available on Sweego!

Our updates aim to improve your experience and the quality of our platform. 

Feel free to give us your feedback via our Slack


  • Send SMS with Sweego now 🔥
  • New webhooks available
  • SDK Libraries: python library now available
  • DMARC: new feature for your domains
  • Google Postmaster Tool update
  • SMS character count rules
  • Heard at Apple WorldWide Developers Conference

🔥 Send SMS with Sweego now 

As promised, SMS feature  is now available with Sweego! 

Key benefits of using SMS with Sweego

  • High read rates
    SMS messages boast a 95% read rate, significantly higher than email.
  • Quick delivery:
    Most SMS messages are read within 3 minutes.
  • Legal compliance:
    Sweego ensures your messages adhere to legal frameworks.
  • Competitive pricing:
    At just €0.041 per SMS (in France), Sweego offers an affordable solution for global messaging.

sweego sms illustration newsletter 720 min

🐍 SDK: python library available 

Sweego now offers Python SDK library designed to simplify the integration of our APIs into your applications. These new library provides ready-to-use methods, significantly reducing development time and enhancing code reliability.

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🎯 Other updates last month

:iphone:Webhooks Updates
Get information about your SMS dispatches and STOP SMS to easily track your indicators.
A new event type “sent” is available for emails

:inbox: DMARC: for a better deliverability
When adding a domain, we invite you to add a DMARC record to improve your deliverability.

:coche_blanche: Verified Domain: check the status easily
Access to the status of each individual record (CNAME 1, CNAME 2, DMARC). Statuses can be “verified” OR “not verified”
You can now reverify a domain

All our updates 👇 


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